Have phone will travel

Well blogoverse, it’s been a hot sec.


I feel like I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past two weeks, but at the same time I’ve been a human potato. Between vacations, working, attempting to organize my life before going back to school, and finding enough time to stop by Target at least four times a week, I feel like I’ve had no time to update you on my incredibly mundane suburban white girl life.

So let’s get to it!

Work is going well, I love my job. I mean I work with some really kick ass, strong women, I’m surrounded by clothes, and people occasionally bring their dogs in. I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful summer job. It’s also a two minute walk to Starbucks! In all honesty though, it’s such an amazing experience to help women find clothes that make them feel beautiful. I had a woman stop by the store one day looking for an outfit for her daughter’s wedding shower. She had been to three other stores and had no luck. She told me about her struggles with weight loss and finally after a long time she reached her goal and was so proud of herself. She had struggled with body image issues for a long time and said that shopping was always a stressful experience for her.

She told me she wanted something that made her look as good on the outside as she felt inside. We went through like six different dresses before she found the right one, but when she did, wow, her face lit up. It was so cool to help this woman feel beautiful in her own skin. She was so happy and excited and couldn’t wait to show her daughter.

It was super cute and happy and basically I love my job.

Okay, next thing.

I’ve been back and forth from Michigan these past two weeks at my family’s lake house and let me tell you, it’s been a blast. I’m no longer the color of milk which is fun! This past weekend, my darling boyfriend made the trip up with me. We survived the six hour car ride ( I’m an awful driver and he didn’t yell at me once and he drove my car even though he hates it).

I was really excited to bring Jake up there since the lake is my happy place and he’s my happy person, so it was important to me that I got to combine the two. I showed him around the town and we went boating and did a whole bunch of tubing and water skiing. We also got ice cream literally every night which was probs the highlight of the trip. We woke up one morning to watch the sunrise too, but it was cloudy af and we couldn’t see anything (still salty about that). All in all it was a wonderful weekend! (I’ll show you pics, don’t worry).


So that was loads of fun, I’m actually currently up there now with my mom, brother and grandma. While I was home (for like six days) I went to the beach with my bff and twinny, Lilly. We hung out at Glenco beach for the day and explored North brook as well. It’s always a blast with my dear.

(Cute pics of Lilly and I)



Okay so now I’m back at the lake and I’m having the daunting realization that I go back to school in less than a month. I’m really excited to go back to school, but also where on earth did summer go? Like seriously, I feel like I just got home like two weeks ago! I’ve been making lots of lists and slowly preparing myself for move in day. But hey, I’ve still got like a month, so I’m gonna enjoy the crap out of it!

In my attempts to enjoy the crap out of this last month of summer, I ordered an apple watch. Like literally just an hour ago. I’ve been wanting to get one for about a year and a half now and Target was having a $70 off the series 2 so I decided to just jump the gun and do it. Originally I was gonna get the series one with apple care because it was cheaper, but with the $70 off the series 2 (and paying with the Target card so I got 5% off) made it actually cheaper!! So yeah, ordered that today… I’m literally broke now, but I think it’ll be worth it. I’m really really excited about it!

That pretty much sums up my last two weeks friendos! I’ll update you on the college organizing as soon as I get to it!

Love love love you all,



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